Wellbeing for Winnipeggers requires a focus on safety promotion through social and economic well-being. As the former Chair of Protection, I’m grateful Council continues to support critical front-line programs that I had started along with Mayor Bowman last term to keep neighbourhoods safe.
All governments should work together on this. In partnership with Public Safety Canada’s Building Safer Communities fund I am delighted to announce significant support grants within Fort Rouge East Fort Garry as well as those across the city like:
a. Anishiative Inc.’s Strong Hearts Project;
b. Community Helpers Unite Inc.’s Jarvis Ave Overnight Safe Space
c. Downtown Community Safety Partnership Inc.’s Exit Support
d. Elmwood Community Resource Center Inc.’s Reach-Out Drop-in Program
e. General Council of Winnipeg Community Centres Inc.’s New Community Program and Recreation Connector
f. Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization of Manitoba, Inc.’s Youth Empowerment Mentorship Project
g. Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre Inc.’s Circle of Belonging
h. Resource Assistance for Youth, Inc.’s Grow Ops Enhancement for Gang and Justice-Involved Youth
i. Spence Neighbourhood Association Inc.’s Supporting Reintegration
j. Spirit Horse Initiative Inc.’s Spirit Horse Initiative
k. Holistic Ongoing Opportunities Development-Facilitation and Management Services Inc.