The Mayor and City Council voted to pursue $192 million application to the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF). The point of the fund through the National Housing strategy is to increase our housing stock in Winnipeg. As a City Councillor committed to addressing issues around homelessness, I am delighted to see the support the HAF has gotten from City Council, the Mayor, and Winnipeggers. Many people wrote to me wanting to know more.
Working towards landing this money, and working with the housing sector has occupied a great deal of my time and energy. Accessing funds through HAF can help advance our commitment to addressing the homelessness crisis in our City. HAF will enable key infrastructure and grants to ensure that we create an affordable housing stock.
Winnipeg has taken advantage of the National Housing Strategy programs.
As Chair of Housing and of Property & Development I continue to work with all partners including those that took advantage of our last round of grants like: Westminster Housing, West Central Women’s, Manitoba Metis Federation, Shawemin Abonoojii, New Directions, WHRC Subsidized Rental, Women’s Housing at the Salvation Army and Siloam. Their partnerships and organizations were critical to create and build transitional housing for Indigenous youth, Indigenous women, and youth experiencing homelessness and 2SLGBTQ2S+ people and those extremely hard to house. To date, we have successfully drawn down over $25 Million to create over 135 units of rapid housing relief.
There is more to do. There is always good news and more housing relief is coming to Winnipeg!