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Tough as Nails on Vacant Buildings and Fires

Posted on: January 9, 2023

Tough as Nails on Vacant Buildings and Fires

There are currently 683 vacant or derelict buildings registered in Winnipeg, and from April to December 2022, there were 74 fires in vacant buildings. I want building owners to do the right thing, securing their buildings and putting them into use because we are in a housing crisis. 

Vacant buildings contribute to fires, crime, urban decay and threaten resident safety. That is why I passed a motion at Property and Development requiring owners of empty buildings to pay for firefighting costs if the building sets fire.

If a vacant building sets fire, the owner would be responsible for covering the attendance fee for the district chief, driver, and resources used, such as the pumper or aerial ladder. These fees will be in addition to boarded building permit fees and annual empty building fees for which vacant building owners are responsible.

The goal of imposing fire protection fees, or as I call it 'tough as nails approach' on property owners is to encourage them to protect their buildings and return them to the housing market. 

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