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Ventura Development’s $200M project at the heart of the Bridgwater Town Centre

Posted on: November 23, 2022

Bridgwater Town Centre

It’s always wonderful to see our city grow, especially when it benefits the walkability and livability of the community. This is why I’m delighted to see Ventura Development’s $200M project at the heart of the Bridgwater Town Centre.

The project will include affordable rental units, co-working spaces, indoor/outdoor dog park, fitness and entertainment centres, and a space for the future rapid transit line. The importance of developing affordable rental units in Winnipeg cannot be overemphasized, and I support Ventura Development’s commitment to transforming 10% of the project to increasing affordable housing.

Walkable communities increase the accessibility and livability of our city. When amenities are in walking distance, Winnipeggers access services and goods faster. We heard this concept already, the concept of 15-minute cities. Designing areas with these principles is a priority.  We boast so many liveable & walkable neighbourhoods of Fort Rouge East Fort Garry, good to see new neighbourhoods in wards like Waverley West being designed in a liveable walkable way too.

We need more developments that prioritizes and improves the walkability and livability of our city for Winnipeggers. 

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