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Celebrating the signing of SSOCC and RGS Leases

Posted on: June 3, 2021

I was happy to join Rod Kueneman, Barb Ediger and Rozelle Miko among others for this historic moment for Fort Rouge-East Fort Garry: the signing of long-term lease arrangements for Sustainable South Osborne Co-op and the Riverview Gardening Society.  The signing of these leases now clears the way for work to begin this fall to have irrigation systems installed something that has been three years in the making.  We continue to support the grants to both Sustainable South Osborne Co-op and the Riverview Gardening Society in support of the irrigation system installation and development of a community orchard.  Both organizations are important community leaders in permaculture and in food security. 

RGS Lease Signing May 10 2021 .jpg (3.82 MB)

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